Why Consider AI Copywriting Tools over Traditional Copywriting

Supercharge your advertising campaigns with AI copywriting tools and start creating compelling ad scripts. Try CapCut ad script today!

AI copywriting tools
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Do you spend too much time working on ad scripts and need help finding time to do other things? AI copywriting tools could be the end of all your struggles. Unlike traditional copywriting, which may take hours or even days, these tools work in seconds. They're built to analyze vast amounts of data and recognize patterns, thus understanding the key message that needs to be conveyed. This article promises to show you just how easy it is to produce engaging, catchy, and superior ad scripts that work using AI-powered copywriting tools. Let's get started.

Image depicting an AI writing generator
Table of content

How does an copywriter AI tool work

Artificial intelligence has had a transformative impact on numerous industries, including digital marketing and content creation. Specifically, AI copywriting tools are redefining how companies develop marketing and communication strategies. But how do these innovative tools work?

  • Training AI algorithms on diverse datasets
  • These copywriting tools are based on sophisticated AI algorithms. To work effectively, they learn patterns, context, and rules of languages from these datasets, and based on this understanding, they can create human-like text.
  • Language processing and prompt-based commands
  • Copywriter AI tools are often powered by advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies. These technologies help AI to understand and interpret human language, process it, and respond in a comprehensive, meaningful manner.
  • Fine-tuning and customizations in output
  • While the AI generates copy on its own, you also have the power to guide and fine-tune the content. Through repeated interactions, the tool becomes more familiar with your preferences and can even replicate your specific writing style or that of a brand.

Top 6 copywriting tools free to generate leads for an ad campaign

Having a successful ad campaign requires much more than a brilliant idea; it needs precise and captivating content to get your message across effectively. That is why you need a professional ad script generator that not only eases the process but significantly enhances the overall quality of your ad campaign. Here are 6 free tools to level up your ad copywriting game.

1. CapCut ad script

CapCut ad script is an AI-powered script generator designed to assist advertisers in creating compelling video advertisements. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a newbie entrepreneur, this tool simplifies the process of ad script creation. Here are its key features.

  • Intelligent ad script generation
  • It analyses your input and selling points, then constructs a captivating script, perfect for grabbing the attention of your target audience.
  • Add a video for each part
  • CapCut ad script generates a script into three distinct parts - the Hook, Selling Points, and the Call to Action. You can create and add separate videos for each section, making your ad comprehensive and engaging.
  • Natural voiceover/text-to-speech
  • Make your ads more dynamic and audible with natural voiceovers. CapCut ad script converts your written script into a natural-sounding voiceover to make your ad more memorable.
  • Various aspect ratios
  • It allows you to customize the aspect ratios. Whether it's for TikTok's vertical layout, YouTube's horizontal view, or Instagram's square format, it has got you covered.
  • One-click sharing
  • This feature streamlines your marketing campaign, allowing you to share your videos to multiple social media channels instantly. It means you can simultaneously publish your ads on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, reaching a wider audience in just a single click.

With CapCut ad script, you have the freedom to create engaging ad scripts that grab attention and convey your message effectively.

Steps to create ad script with CapCut

  1. Generate script
  2. Start by providing detailed information about your product or service, including its benefits and unique selling points. The more specific and compelling your description is, the better the generated script will be. Now, tap on ''Generate''.
    Generate script
  4. CapCut will generate multiple script options (up to 5), read through them, and select the best one for your campaign, which you can edit. Click on ''Use this script'' to continue.
    Select the script
  6. Step
  7. Enhance your ad script
  8. To enhance your ad script, you can attach relevant videos on the Hook, Selling points, and Call to action parts. Click on the Generate video icon within each segment to upload media files. The Hook is the opening part of your ad script that grabs the viewer's attention. By attaching a video to the Hook, you can visually captivate your audience from the very beginning. The Selling points are the main features of your product or service that you want to convince your audience about. Attach a video to visually demonstrate how your product or service meets a specific need.
  9. The Call to action is a crucial part of your ad script where you prompt your audience to take a specific action, such as making a purchase. By attaching a video to the CTA, you can direct your audience on what to do next.
    Edit your script
  11. CapCut allows you to choose videos from your device or even from CapCut's cloud space. Additionally, you can drag and drop your videos.
    Choose media from the device
  13. Here, you can customize the aspect ratios and edit the captions that are automatically generated in the video based on the script.
    Customize your video
  15. The Presets tool allows you to change the caption style by offering pre-designed text styles to make your captions visually appealing.
    Adjust the text format
  17. Additionally, you can use the Basic tool to further customize the captions by adjusting the font size, font type, fill-in color, and shadow color.
    Adjust the font
  19. You can also add voiceover narration using the Text to speech feature and even apply voice changer effects like Elfy to add a unique touch to the audio. The option to switch languages is also available.
    Use text to speech
  21. Another interesting feature is the ability to include AI characters in your ad as narrators in your video. Each AI character brings in a unique voiceover style to your ad commercial.
    Use AI character
  23. Step
  24. Export

Click on "Export" to access the export options. You can choose to either share the video for review or share it as a presentation. Share for review allows you to give access to your colleagues, enabling them to provide feedback on the ad video. Share as presentation lets you share your ad commercial as a presentation to colleagues. Or click ''Export'' to save the video on your device.

Export the video

If you want to share your ad directly on social media, click the respective icon, and the export settings window will pop up. Make sure you rename your video and adjust the desired resolution, frame rate, and output format in the Export settings window.

Change the video format

If you are sharing to TikTok, you need to choose what TikTok page you are sharing, create a title, give a description, and select a video cover before clicking ''Share''.

Share the video

2. ContentShake

ContentShake is the latest content marketing tool created by Semrush. It effortlessly generates tailor-made content ideas for your specific niche with the power of AI and machine learning. Not only does it write content using relevant keywords sourced from Semrush, but it also fine-tunes your content to align with your brand and boost your SEO efforts.

Generated ad script by ContentShake

Key features

  • Content topic generation: ContentShake offers tailor-made topic suggestions according to your specific business niche, so you write articles that provide relevant answers to your audience's questions.
  • Content creation: After selecting a topic, you will receive an AI-generated article. It will include an outline, keywords, images, facts, structure, and competitor insights that are relevant to your chosen topic.
  • Content optimization: It ensures that your articles are easy to read and maintain a consistent tone of voice. The tool uses intelligent algorithms to point out any problems in your text and provides suggestions for rewriting when needed.

3. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a part of generative AI, which focuses on generating written responses for users. Unlike other generative AI systems like DALL-E and Midjourney that create images, ChatGPT specializes in human-like writing. Additionally, it can generate data-filled tables and even snippets of computer code.

Generated ad script with Chat GPT

Key features

  • Free version: ChatGPT has a basic version that is completely free for users to use.
  • AI model - GPT-4: ChatGPT uses the GPT-4 AI model. GPT-4 (Generative Pretrained Transformer) is an advanced version of the language model, capable of producing highly coherent, relevant, and sophisticated content in text form.
  • Unlimited exchanges per conversation: It allows users to engage in as many interactions as they want in a single conversation thread.

4. ContentBot.ai

ContentBot.ai uses AI technology to streamline content creation and simplify content workflows. It assists you in producing authentic, human-like content on a large scale and automates repetitive content tasks to save time.

Generated ad script with ContentBot.ai

Key features

  • AI writing assistant: It produces original long-form or short-form content based on your prompts, keywords, tone, and other instructions.
  • Content automation: Automate your content creation process by building workflows with triggers and actions.
  • InstructBot: Ask the AI to create any content

5. AI Writing Assistant

The AI Writing Assistant can greatly improve your writing experience. It is an awesome helping hand for improving writing skills and creating high-quality content.

Generated ad script with Wordtune writing assistant

Key features

  • Advanced grammar and spelling check: The AI Writing Assistant's advanced algorithms can detect and correct even the most subtle grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Contextual suggestions: It analyzes the context of your writing and provides smart suggestions to enhance clarity, coherence, and conciseness.
  • Vocabulary enhancement: The AI Writing Assistant offers intelligent vocabulary suggestions to diversify your writing and make it more engaging.

6. NeuroFlash

NeuroFlash is a highly efficient AI-based free copywriting tool that aids you in crafting engaging content to influence your target audience. This tool can help you create various materials, whether a social media post, a headline, or a job description.

 Generated ad script with NeuroFlash

Key features

  • Chrome extension: NeuroFlash offers a Chrome extension you can integrate into your browser so you can access its features easily while working on any online platform.
  • Tone selection: It offers various tone options, such as formal, conversational, professional, or persuasive, allowing you to tailor your content to specific audiences or purposes.
  • Keyword optimization: NeuroFlash helps you optimize your content for search engines to improve your online visibility.

Ethical considerations for using a copywriter AI tool

Artificial Intelligence has undeniably transformed the way we perform various tasks across industries, with copywriting being one of them. However, here are some ethical considerations you must know if AI copywriting tools are a part of your work routine.

  • Verify facts and maintain privacy checks
  • AI copywriting tools generate content based on your inputs. You are responsible for fact-checking and verifying the generated content's accuracy and relevancy to prevent the spreading of misinformation. It's equally important to uphold privacy norms while using AI because misusing confidential or sensitive data would breach trust and result in legal implications.
  • Statement of disclosure
  • Always try to be transparent with AI-generated content. You must make it clear to your audience when you use AI to produce content to maintain an ethical stance. Otherwise, you could mislead readers and negatively impact your reputation and credibility.
  • Monitor outputs
  • It is crucial to keep track of the outputs of AI copywriting tools. Even if these tools are sophisticated and produce high-quality content, they may sometimes generate incorrect or inappropriate text that might lead to ethical conflicts. So, monitoring regularly and implementing corrective measures will help prevent such instances, thus preserving the integrity of your copywriting work.


While human creativity and skill remain vital, AI copywriting tools significantly aid the process by saving time, reducing effort, and providing valuable insights. Some of these powerful copywriting tools, like CapCut ad script, are free, providing accessibility for startups and small businesses. Ultimately, consider including AI copywriting tools in your ad creation process if you wish to remain competitive and relevant. Give CapCut ad script a try and watch your ad campaigns succeed like never before!


  1. How can I use the copywriter AI tool to generate a script for free?
  2. You can use CapCut ad script to generate a script for free just by signing up. After, create a script by entering information about the product or service, then highlight the selling points. Then, add a video to each segment of the script, i.e., Hook, Selling point, and Call to action. You can preview it before proceeding to CapCut video editor to edit your video.
  3. Can I edit the video with a script generated from AI copywriting tools?
  4. Yes, you can edit a video with a generated script. After generating and attaching videos to your script with CapCut ad script, click on ''Open multi-track editor'' to edit your video in CapCut video editor. From there, you can add and edit captions with stunning text effects, apply voice changer effects and include AI characters to your video.
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