3 Ways to Add Glitch Effect to Your Visuals

Do you want to make your visuals more edgy and futuristic? Explore easy steps to add a glitch filter with CapCut’s user-friendly features. Make your videos stand out with its effects, stickers, and countless other features.

add glitch effect
0 min(s)

Stunning video graphics synchronized perfectly with the audio can bring you more views, likes, and comments. However, the vast number of creators and fierce competition may make it hard for you. So, that's why standing out in today's digital world is essential. The best way to do this is to turn your ordinary visuals into extraordinary works of art with Glitch Filter. This cool, modern effect makes it look like there's a brief "glitch" or error on the screen, giving a creative and edgy touch to your content.

Whether just posting on social media or working on professional projects, it uniquely affects your content. This easy-to-follow guide will show you different ways to add glitch effects to your visuals. You'll learn about the simple and user-friendly CapCut, the more advanced Photoshop, and even how to work with professional editors. So, let's get straight into the details.

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Method 1 use a newbie-friendly tool: CapCut

In the world of video editing, simplicity and effectiveness are essential. That's where CapCut comes into play. It's a user-friendly tool designed for those who may not have extensive experience in video editing but are looking to add a professional touch to their videos. With CapCut, adding a glitch filter to your videos is just a click away.


CapCut stands out with its one-click generation of templates. This feature allows you to create stunning videos without the hassle of intricate editing. You can also use CapCut's diverse range of templates and do it yourself, giving a personal touch to your creations.

CapCut's features

When it comes to features, CapCut has a lot in store for its users. The range of variable features is never-ending. Whether you need basic cropping services or experienced color grading support, CapCut has it all! Here are some premium features that are users' favorite:

  • Resize video
  • One of CapCut's standout features is the ability to resize videos and images easily. This feature ensures your creations are in the perfect dimensions for any platform or use.
  • Funny stickers
  • Add a bit of humor or flair to your videos and photos with CapCut's vast array of funny stickers. It's a simple way to make your creations more engaging and enjoyable.
  • Add text
  • With CapCut, you can add text to your videos and photos and adjust the font style and color according to your preference. This feature allows for better communication and expression within your creations.

Pros and cons of using CapCut

Like every other editor out there, CapCut also has its advantages and disadvantages. However, the number of pros of CapCut may cover its minor cons. We have listed both below to help you make an informed decision.

Simple operation and easy to use: CapCut is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Anyone can use its simple interface as it is easy to navigate.

Faster ui: Time is precious, and CapCut ensures you don't waste any. It processes edits quickly, allowing you to create masterpieces in no time.

Works with videos and pictures: Whether it's a video or a photo, CapCut has got you covered. It's versatile and works seamlessly with both mediums.

Accessibility: Being an tool, CapCut is accessible from anywhere, allowing you to edit on the go.

Every tool has its downsides, and it's vital to consider them. One potential con of CapCut is the limitation on advanced editing features that professional editors might require.

Simple step-by-step instructions

  1. Open CapCut desktop
  2. Start by opening the CapCut desktop
  3. Step
  4. Create a new project
  5. Click on "Create project" to begin your editing journey.
    Create a new project
  7. Step
  8. Add a video
  9. Upload your video to add a glitch filter.
    Add a video
  11. Step
  12. Select glitch effect
  13. CapCut has different types of glitch effects for its users. Choose the one that suits your style and apply it to your video.
    Select glitch effect
  15. Step
  16. Adjust duration
  17. Set the duration for the glitch effect as desired. You can click on the effect slide and drag it along the clip to adjust its time.
  18. Step
  19. Save and export
  20. Once satisfied with your editing, save and export your creation.

CapCut is a fantastic tool for beginners looking to add a glitch filter to their videos. Its simplicity, speed, and accessibility make it a top choice for primary and intermediate editing tasks.

Method 2 use professional tools: Photoshop

For professional photo and video editing, Adobe Photoshop stands as the undisputed king. This tool offers unparalleled features and flexibility, allowing you to create unique and customized visuals. However, it demands time, understanding, and skill. That makes it an excellent choice for those well-versed in photo and video editing. Let's explore some of its premium features that help video editors.


Features of Photoshop for glitch effects

Photoshop provides a plethora of features for adding glitch effects. You can manipulate channels to create RGB split effects, use the wave filter for a classic glitch look, or even generate pixel sortings and data moshing. The possibilities are endless, and the control is in your hands to make a glitch filter that is truly your own.

Pros and cons of using Photoshop

While Photoshop may seem like a go-to option for many, we suggest beginners avoid it. No doubt it has extreme functionality in video editing, but you can leverage it only if you are an expert on the platform. Here are the primary pros and cons of Photoshop:

Preferred Customization: Photoshop allows you to tailor the glitch filter to your specifications, ensuring your final product is unique and per your vision.

Unique Outputs: With Photoshop, you can create glitch effects that stand out, giving your visuals a distinctive and professional look.

Time-Consuming: The extensive features of Photoshop mean that it takes time to master and use effectively.

High Professional Requirements: Photoshop is a professional tool requiring a good understanding of photo and video editing techniques.

High Hands-On Ability Requirement: Using Photoshop to create glitch effects requires high skill and hands-on ability.

Simple step-by-step instructions to create glitch filter in Photoshop

  1. Open Photoshop
  2. Launch the Photoshop application on your computer.
    photoshop step 1
  4. Step
  5. Import your image
  6. Browse to the directory and open the image you want to add a glitch effect.
  7. Step
  8. Duplicate layers
  9. Create identical layers of your image for manipulation.
    photoshop step 3
  11. Step
  12. Apply channel effects
  13. Use the channel effects to create an RGB split for a primary glitch filter.
    photoshop step 4
  15. Step
  16. Use wave filter
  17. Apply the wave filter to add another dimension to your glitch effect.
    photoshop step 5
  19. Step
  20. Fine-tune your image
  21. Adjust the layers and effects to fine-tune your glitch effect.
    photoshop step 6
  23. Step
  24. Export your image
  25. Once satisfied, export your image in the desired format.

Method 3 find professional editors to help

When the task at hand requires a level of finesse and expertise that only a professional can provide, hiring a professional editor becomes the go-to option. This method is especially suitable for individuals and businesses with specific professional needs where the output quality is non-negotiable.

Professional editors bring their experience, technical skills, and creative insight to the table. It ensures that the glitch filter added to your videos and photos is visually appealing and aligned with your overall vision and purpose.

Features of hiring professional editors

Like CapCut, professional editors also bring marvelous benefits to you. Some primary features of an ideal professional editor are as follows:

  • Expertise and experience
  • Professional editors have the necessary expertise to understand your requirements and translate them into high-quality visuals. They can easily navigate complex editing software, ensuring the final product is polished and professional.
  • Access to advanced tools
  • Professional editors can access cutting-edge editing tools and software that may not be available to the average user. This access allows for a higher quality of editing and more sophisticated effects.
  • Personalized attention
  • When you hire a professional editor, you receive one-on-one attention. This personalized service ensures that the final product reflects your style and meets your needs.

Pros and cons of hiring professional editors

One-to-One customization: Professional editors work closely with you to understand and bring your vision to life, ensuring the final product is customized to your style and preferences.

Versatile approach: Whether a video or a photo, professional editors have the skills and tools to work with various mediums, providing consistent quality and style across the board.

High cost: The expertise and personalized attention of professional editors come at a cost. Hiring a professional editor is generally more expensive than using editing software or tools.

Simple step-by-step instructions to hire a professional editor

  1. Identify your needs
  2. Clearly outline what you need – the type of glitch filter, the medium (video or photo), and any other specific requirements.
  3. Step
  4. Review portfolios and samples
  5. Review their portfolios and samples to ensure their style and quality match your expectations.
  6. Step
  7. Contact editors
  8. Contact the shortlisted editors to discuss your project, requirements, and budget.
  9. Step
  10. Discuss and finalize details
  11. Discuss the project details, delivery timelines, and cost, and finalize the editor for your project.
  12. Step
  13. Review and finalize the project
  14. Review the final product and ensure it meets your expectations before finalizing the project.


Adding a glitch filter to your videos is a creative endeavor that can be achieved through various methods. Whether you opt for the simplicity and convenience of CapCut , the advanced functionalities of Photoshop, or the expertise of a professional editor, the choice depends on your specific needs and resources.

This guide offers a comprehensive overview, aiding you in making an informed decision. Remember, the best method is the one that aligns with your goals, expertise, and budget. In that case, CapCut leaves all other competitors behind. Its user-friendly interface makes it perfect for everyone. Besides, its additional features ensure your visuals are not only captivating but also effectively convey your message.

Launch CapCut on your laptop's browser and experience the magnificent interface on a larger scale. You will be able to cut and sync videos with more accuracy, which in turn will produce noticeable improvements in your working speed and productivity. Better control over the elements will give you an upper hand when editing.

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