Responsibility for AI practices at CapCut for Business

CapCut for Business is excited about building responsibly for the future of AI-generated content, especially for content creators and small businesses who rely on building content to connect with their audience. Our new tools are just the beginning of how we are harnessing AI to support the creator community.

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Supporting SMBs and the Creator Community

CapCut for Business is the go-to video creation platform designed to streamline a user's content production process. From Ideation, Production, and Delivery, CapCut for Business is an all-in-one solution for any business to create and launch high-impact ads and branded content easier than ever before. CapCut for Business tools are a resource meant to support a wide range of commercial users, such as small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), commercial creators, agencies, and sales and marketing professionals. Developed specifically with these users in mind, our AI-based toolset helps them unlock their creativity to craft compelling ads and branded content, connect, and save resources so they can continue to focus on growing their business.

Commitment of Ethical Practices

CapCut for Business is committed to responsible use of AI-generated content (AIGC). We are committed to adapting and optimizing our AI technology on a foundation that is ethical, inclusive, and diverse. AI is evolving, and with the advancements of the technology, our approach will as well. Our AI modeling is constructed on principles that reflect the importance of accountability, fairness, privacy, and safety. We have developed this technology to help users continue to grow their business and engage with their audiences. We firmly believe that to effectively establish trust, ethics should not be an afterthought but rather a fundamental and central component of what we do and who we are.

Your Privacy is Important

CapCut for Business believes in creating an experience that is safe and secure, so you can focus on creating the most engaging content for your audience and driving business growth. We take our responsibility to protect people's privacy and data security seriously and incorporate best practices into our efforts.

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